VSCode Keyboard Shortcuts

VSCode Keyboard Shortcuts

Ⅰ. Editor


Shortcut Command
Ctrl + 1/2 Focus first/second editor group
Ctrl + M Maximize editor group
Ctrl + W Close editor
Alt + F4 Close windows
Alt + A/D Open previous/next editor
Ctrl + Shift + W/A/S/D View: split editor up/down/left/right

📨 PS:

  • Ctrl + M When spliting, maximize the current editor group, press again to cancel
  • Alt + A/D Open previous/next editor in the current editor group
  • Ctrl + Shift + W/A/S/D Move the current editor group to the up/left/down/right


Shortcut Command
Alt + Up/DownArrow Move line up/down
Alt + Shift + Up/DownArrow Copy line up/down
Ctrl + C/X/Y Copy/Cut/Delete line
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Alt + Scroll Accelerate scrolling
Ctrl + Alt + Up/DownArrow Add cursor above/below
Alt + Click Insert cursor at click
Ctrl + Home/End cursorTop/Bottom
Alt + [ Go to Bracket
Alt + ] Select to Bracket

📨 PS:

  • Alt + Up/DownArrow Move the current line up/down
  • Ctrl + Alt + Up/DownArrow Add cursor above/below the current line, press ESC
    to exit
  • Alt + Click Insert cursor where you click, press ESC to exit
  • Ctrl + Home/End Move cursor to the top/bottom of the file

Go to and Peek

Shortcut Command
F12 Go to definition
Ctrl + F12 Peek implementation
Shift + F12 Go to references
Alt + F12 Peek definition
Shift + Alt + F12 Find all references
Ctrl + Shift + O Go to symbol in editor
Ctrl + T Go to symbol in workspace

Ⅱ. Explorer


Shortcut Command
J New File
K New Folder
E Reveal in explorer
C/X/R Copy/cut/rename
T Open in default integrated terminal


Shortcut Command
I List.focusParent
A List.collapse
D List.expand
Q List.collapseAll
F3 List.find

Ⅲ. Workbench

Shortcut Command
Ctrl + Shift + P Show all command
Ctrl + Shift + M Toggle panel visibility
Ctrl + Shift + F Toggle search visibility
Ctrl + Shift + G Toggle source control visibility
Ctrl + Shift + T Toggle todo tree visibility
Ctrl + E Toggle explorer visibility
Alt + E Toggle Secondary Sidebar visibility

Ⅳ. Extensions

Shortcut Command
Alt + O Project Manager: List Projects to Open
Alt+Q Jumpy Word Mode
Alt+W Jumpy Line Mode
Ctrl+L Bookmarks: Toggle Labeled
Bookmarks: List Bookmarks: List


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